Local Beekeepers' Associations

The local beekeeping associations are a great source of hands-on advice and support. Check this list for the association closest to you and show up at one of their meetings. All are welcome. Contact or email to confirm meeting dates and locations.

Ausable Bee Club (ABC)

Jonathan Cucksey

ABC meets, usually monthly, at Ferguson’s Apiaries, 39006 Huron 84, Hensall, ON N0M 1X0. Monthly topics include Q & A, speakers, topics to fit the time of the year and what the beekeepers are doing in the yard.

Membership fee is $20/yr. Everyone welcome - we have members from London, Stratford, Goderich, Clinton, Exeter, Grand Bend, and area.

Please contact Jonathan to confirm dates, times and topics of meetings. 

Central Ontario Beekeepers' Association

Noah Pascoe

Centre Grey Beekeepers Association

Chris Crocker
The Centre Grey Beekeepers Association meets in the Lower Hall of Markdale Baptist Church at 7pm on the last Thursday of Nov, Jan and March.

Cloverbelt Beekeepers' Association

CBA Secretary
Email or check Facebook for meeting or additional information.

Dufferin Beekeepers' Association

Orangeville, ON
Peter Chorabik, President

The club meets on the third Tuesday of each month from September to June at 7 pm in the Northview Room at Tony Rose Arena in Orangeville.

Facebook Group

Email Peter for meeting information.

Durham Region Beekeepers' Association

Greenbank, ON
Marc Hamilton
Meeting times: Typically the first Monday of each month from March to October. Dates are to be confirmed on our Facebook page for the Durham Region Beekeepers' Association.
Location: Greenbank Centennial Hall, 19965 Highway 7/12 in Greenbank Ontario. 
Chair: Marc Hamilton  hamiltonhoneybeeholdings@gmail.com
Membership Director: Julie Ginter   beesknees170@gmail.com
Swarms Contact: Cosmin Bocean  647-551-5233, aromathapiaries@gmail.com

Eastern Ontario Beekeepers' Association

The Eastern Ontario Beekeepers Association meets three times a year: at our Spring Meeting, Summer Field Day held jointly with the Lanark Beekeepers Association, and at our fall Annual General Meeting
​Check out the website for upcoming events.

Essex Beekeepers' Association

Essex County and surrounding area
Tim Purdie
New local beekeepers group. Check the facebook page for information: 
Board Liaison: Tom Congdon

Golden Horseshoe Beekeepers' Association

Greater Hamilton, Brant and Halton Regions
Luc Peters, President

Meetings generally held the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm from January to November (no December meeting), on the 2nd floor of Marritt Hall at the Ancaster Fairgrounds, 630 Trinity Road South, Jerseyville, Ontario.

OBA Board Liaison: Dave Stotesbury

Grand River Beekeepers' Association

Waterloo Region
Selina Siu


Meetings held the 4th Wednesday of the month, except for July, August, December and January at the Christian Fellowship Church, 315 Northlake Dr, Waterloo at 7:30 pm in the basement.

OBA Board Liaison: Dave Stotesbury

Grey Bruce Beekeepers' Association

Toby Bruce, President

OBA Board Liaison: Jim Coneybeare

Haldimand-Norfolk Beekeepers' Association

Simcoe, ON
Kelly Bowers-Moodie, President

Meetings take place monthly on the second Monday.  Check the website for up-to-date details or changes.

New members welcome!

OBA Board Liaison: Bernie Wiehle

Huronia Beekeepers' Association

Edgar, ON
Mike Barks, President
The club meets on the second Thursday of the month from February to November. Meetings are generally from 7:30pm-9:30pm at the Edgar Community Hall. You can checkout our events calendar page for a full schedule on upcoming meetings and events. The Edgar Community Hall is located at 1167 Old Barrie Road West, Shanty Bay.
Check the website for upcoming events.
New members welcome.

OBA Board Liaison: Adam Ritchie

Kenora Beekeeping Club

Vicky Donath
A club for beekeepers to talk, share information, and support one another. New members and new beekeepers are always welcome, whether it's just to learn more about bees or to learn more about getting started in beekeeping.

Lanark County Beekeepers' Association

Lanark, ON
Shelley Neilson, Vice President
613 326-1926

The club meets 4 times per year. Meetings are held at the Ferguson Falls Community Hall, County Road 15, except for the Summer "field day" meeting which is usually held at a member's bee-yard.

Please contact Shelley Neilson for more information.

OBA Board Liaison: Paul Lacelle

Limestone Beekeepers' Guild

Battersea, ON
Alexandra Pedersen, Communications Officer
Notice! Meetings postponed until further notice.
Meetings are held the basement hall of Kingston Christian Fellowship Centre at 2621 Hwy 38 Westbrook, ON K7P 2Y7 about 4.5 km north of the 401. Entrance through the main doors facing Highway #38, on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30pm.
Check the website for upcoming events.
Limestone Beekeepers' Guild serves the Kingston & Frontenac County areas.
New members welcome!
OBA Board Liaison: Ian Grant

Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin Beekeepers' Association

Arva, ON
Angela Cox, President

OBA LBA Member!

OBA Board Liaison: Bernie Wiehle

Mississauga Beekeepers Association

Stephen Rice
905 606 0179
Mississauga Beekeepers Association, but also known as Big City Bees
Find more information on Facebook or Instagram
We meet the first Wednesday each month. 
See Instagram for notices.
OBA Board Liaison: Michelle Wolfson

Muskoka-Parry Sound Beekeepers' Association

Huntsville, ON
Robert Key, President
705 783-3320
OBA LBA Member
OBA Board Liaison: Adam Ritchie

Niagara Beekeepers' Association (formerly Beekeepers' Association of Regional Niagara)

St. Catharines, ON
George Dubanow, President | Clayton Nadeau, Club Contact
(905) 934-4913 (George Dubanow)

Meetings are held at the District Regional Spay Neuter Clinic, 700 East Main Street, Welland. 

Call or email for information.

OBA Board Liaison: Joanna Paul

Niagara Beekeepers' Club

Stella Unger, President; Ed Unger, Vice-president
905 984-4408

Other Website

NBC is a non for profit membership club that meets every first Thursday of the month.

Membership includes store discounts, bulk discounts, special event pricing, access to our exclusive online forum, beekeeping news and updates and much more!

Check out our website for more details.

OBA Board Liaison: Joanna Paul

Ottawa Community Beekeepers

Ottawa, ON
Helene Hutchings

Quinte Beekeepers' Association

Belleville, ON
Quinte Beekeeper Association meetings are generally held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. 
For more information on meetings and beekeeping in the Quinte area, please contact quintebeekeepers@gmail.com
OBA Board Liaison: Ian Grant

Rainy River Beekeepers' Association

Stratton, ON
Richard Neilson, President
OBA Board Liaison: OBA Tech-Transfer Program

Southwestern Ontario Beekeepers' Association

Chatham, ON
Mike Dodok, President

OBA Board Liaison: Tom Congdon

Sudbury & District Beekeepers' Association

Sudbury, ON
Meghan Mitchell
Check the Facebook Page for upcoming events.
OBA Board Liaison: 

Thunder Bay Beekeepers' Association

Bruce Brown, President

OBA LBA Member!

Check the website for upcoming events.

OBA Board Liaison: OBA Tech-Transfer Program

Toronto Beekeepers' Collective

Toronto, ON
Nancy Bardecki
OBA LBA Member!
The Toronto Beekeepers Collective (TBC) is dedicated to learning about bees and beekeeping, providing public education around bees, involving ourselves in political advocacy on behalf of bees. We are also responsible for the care of our shared hives throughout the Greater Toronto Area.
The TBC is a proud member of both the Toronto District Beekeepers’ Association (TDBA) and the Ontario Beekeepers’ Association. 
OBA Board Liaison: Andre Flys

Toronto District Beekeepers' Association

Richmond Hill, ON
Brian Burgener

Check the website for upcoming events.

OBA Board Liaison: James Murray

Upper Ottawa Valley Beekeepers' Association

Renfrew, ON
Charlotte Doyle, President

Urban Toronto Beekeepers' Association

Toronto, ON
Michelle Wolfson
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month except for July and August.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, virtual meetings will be held by Zoom.
Virtual meeting details are available on our Facebook group page.
Meetings include:
·      Seasonal ‘Bee Educated’ Session with our own master beekeeper volunteers
·      Scientists, Authors and other professional speakers via Zoom
·      Scientific Paper Reviews
·      Updates from the Tech Transfer Team and the OBA
·      Social Functions, Bees, Beer & BBQ (when the pandemic is over)
·      Learning about our mentorship program (when the pandemic is over)

OBA Board Liaison: James Murray

Wellington County Beekeepers' Association

Meetings held the second Monday in the months of September - November, January - June in Guelph.

Facebook Group