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Ontario Bee Journal Issue | Deadline for Classified to Appear in OBJ |
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Press Ctrl + F. Then type the desired text. Ex: Nucs. Nucs will be higlighted wherever it appears.
Organically managed over 20 yrs around Tamworth, Ontario. Own queens selected for productivity, gentleness, overwintering and modest propolis. $500 each, $450 for 20 or more., ph:(613)379-5555
Fresh wild blueberry honey for sale in barrels
2025 nucs available, $230 to $250 each depending on the date. $50 deposit upon ordering.
Nucs available starting May 17. (weather permitting)
Commercial beekeeper for over 20 years, member for over 10 years, our stock is regularly tested for hygienic behaviour. For more information please check
For 15+ nucs please contact for price.
5-frame styrofoam nuc boxes- lids, inner cover and bottom boards, all in excellent condition.
Hive stands for sale
Contact Gabriela for pricing/further details
2024 Ontario wildflowers filtered and unpasteurized raw honey in barrels and pails
4 frame over winter nucs and 4 frame nucs with new queen available May and June
Just Call Me Honey, Mount Forest Ontario proudly offers:
Nucs with overwintered Ontario queens, May 19 onward:
Niagara's largest selection of beekeeping supplies and equipment.
4 Frame nucs with local Queens available at the end of May or early June
$240 each, $220 for five or more
$50 deposit is required at the time of ordering
Single deep colonies will be available early June
$340 each
All bees are managed with organic treatments only
I am a non commercial bee keeper looking for a small parcel of land for 5 hives close to Burlington ON. I am willing to rent, lease or trade. Land owner will be consulted on location of hives and any restrictions. Willing to discuss and meet give me a call.
Local Raised and Imported Queens. 4 frame Nucs are treated early, comb is new, and post solstice overwintered queens are laying in the nuc to ensure you receive the healthiest nuc possible. Limited Overwintered nucs for 2025. Discounts for larger orders. See our website for our strict queen rearing protocols.
Looking for a physically fit individual for 2025 season. From April to October, must be able to work long hours and weekends, lift 200lb, valid drivers license and operate a forklift. Bee experience, knowledge and understanding is a must. Hourly wage 18$ an hour—no bee allergies.
Bulk Ontario Wildflower Honey in barrels or pails
Well-filtered yellow beeswax in small or large quantities. Discounts on 50+ kg
Our own ORHBS overwintered 4 Frame nucs.
Complete line of beekeeping equipment for sale:
Honey and filtered beeswax available in bulk. Open year-round, just give us a call.
2024 unpasteurized honey crop available in barrels or 5 gallon pails.
Buckwheat honey and Golden Honey for sale in drums or pails
Organic Farm near Nith River with wetland and naturalized areas has site available for beekeeping in exchange for a little honey once in a while.
Craig Robson 519 590 7367
I bought too much,
We have 12 drums approximately 600lbs per drum.
$300 per drum.
Only selling by the drum
2024 syrup
Beekeeping Equipment and Supplies
Looking to start or grow your existing Commercial Meadery?
The Business with the LARGEST Inventory of Beekeeping Supplies North of Toronto